Notice of Planning Commission Meeting w/Public Hearing
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Lyons City Hall, 449 5th St, Lyons
AGENDA Flood Ordinance Public Hearing Notice
Proposed Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Current Flood Damage Prevention Code
Flood Ordinance packet Lyons FloodMap LC
Lyons-FEMA Flood Hazard Map FEMA Flood Hazard Map Viewer
FEMA Nat’l Flood Ins. – Oregon
Lyons is Seeking a City Council Member
The Lyons City Council has declared a councilor vacancy. The position is volunteer. The council meets regularly once a month, normally the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 pm. . There may be additional meetings, as needed. If you are interested in serving as a City Councilor please stop by Lyons City Hall, 449 5th St. Lyons, to pick up an application packet. (posted 1/8/2025)
So You Want to Run for Local Office
Linn County Sheriff’s Report
Linn County Natural Hazard Mitigation Update
The 2017 plan is currently under review for an update.
For more information here is the link to Linn County website:
Linn County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
Budget Committee Information
Are you interested in learning more about your city government? Can you spare 2 to 4 hours a year to assist with approving the City’s budget? No experience is required. You will be presented with the proposed budget. You will be able to ask questions and make comments. When discussion is completed the committee will vote on the proposed budget. If the committee is not ready to vote, the discussion will continue at a future date. That’s it!
The next meeting is scheduled for –To be Determined– at 6:30 pm, located at Lyons City Hall, 449 5th Street.
Any person may attend a budget committee meeting. Any person may ask questions or provide comments. Only members may vote. To become a voting member you must be a registered voter living within the city limits of Lyons and cannot be an employee. Currently, there are no vacancies on the committee. When a vacancy does occur, please complete the application and submit it to Lyons City Hall, 449 5th St, Lyons.
To learn more about the basics of the budgeting process in Oregon, please read the State’s publication:
Local Budgeting in Oregon
There is much more information and learning materials on their website at:
Local Budget Law
Please maintain your property to prevent the spread of noxious weeds and wildfire! Overgrown weeds, bushes, and grasses may spread noxious weeds to surrounding properties. When they dry out, they become a fire hazard not only to your own property but to neighboring property. LMC 8.10.035 Hazardous Vegetation & Trees
The SANTIAM SERVICE INTEGRATION TEAM is available for those who need assistance with things such as basic household items, food, formula, picking up prescriptions. This program serves as a safety net by facilitating resources and information for individuals and families who live within the North Santiam School District, Santiam Canyon School District, and Cascade School District. 503-409-3652
FCC Helping Households Connect
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare, and more. If you qualify, you may be eligible for a discount of up to $30 per month toward your internet service!
DEQ & Craft3 are working together to provide funding assistance to low income property owners.
For more information visit their website at: Craft3
Cougar Sightings & Wildlife
There have been sightings of cougars in the John Neal Park area. To learn more about cougars and other wildlife, visit the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife’s website: Cougar Information Beavers Living With Wildlife